Friday, February 26, 2010

Made it through to second round of Amazon's ABNA contest!

The header says it all: I made it through!

I'm psyched, but I also don't hold much hope for making it to the third round. The first round was based on story pitches, but the second is based on the first 5,000 words of the manuscript, and I submitted a rough second draft of a NaNoWriMo manuscript I wrote just this November. I thought there would be time to edit the manuscript before it was judged, but it turns out everything is locked in even before the pitch round begins, even the finished manuscript that won't be judged until the third or fourth round. This is the first time the contest has had a YA category, so this is my first year submitting, and I didn't know.

Oh, well, I'm happy I made it this far. And next year, if I haven't published yet, I'll know the way the contest works a little better.  


  1. Congrats! You know you can pitch so even if it doesn't go through you'll know it's not the story. Right?
    Great job!
    *pins bravery medal on Shevi*

  2. Wahoo! Congratulations. That is awesome news. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
